Hello, Kia Ora
& Mhoroi

Welcome to
Elias Wellness Center
Mt Eden based Chiropractor
We are delighted you are here


Committed to
Making Great Quality Health Care
Accessible to All.

Here at Elias Wellness Center, we pride ourselves in providing great quality service. We take our time with you during your Chiropractic appointment to ensure that you get the best care possible.

We really care about you and your well being.

What We Do

At Elias Wellness Center, we provide great quality Chiropractic Care and we incorparate cupping therapy and/or trigger point therapy.



A health profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal system disorders, and the effects of these disorders on the function of the nervous system and general health.


Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger Point Therapy is a form of Massage Therapy in which direct pressure is applied to specific points on tender muscle tissue to bring about a reduction in muscle tension and pain relief.


Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy is a form of deep tissue massage where suction cups are placed on the patient’s skin sucking up the skin, providing pain relief, loosening tight muscles and improving overall health.

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How We Can Help

No matter if you are suffering from poor posture, neck pain, pregnancy related back pain, sciatica, headaches, we have your back! We will design a customised care plan that is specific to you and that will help you achieve your goals

Our Process


First Appointment 45 mins - 1 hour

Our first appointment is all about getting acquainted and getting to know you. This will include filling out paperwork, health history, consultation, posture examination, physical examination as well as neurological and orthopedic tests if required. You will most likely receive your first spinal adjustment on this visit.



Second Appointment 20 - 30 mins

Once we get your results, our team will sit down with you and talk through the Report Of Findings (ROF) and make recommendations for your care plan. You will also receive a treatment.


Your Journey

Ongoing Appointments 20 - 30 mins

Your personalised care plan will include Chiropractic adjustments and/or cupping therapy and/or trigger point therapy. Where necessary, rehabilitation exercises will be given. Our team will be right here with you throughout your journey, giving you support. We will make recommendations on how best to look after your spine and musculoskeletal system during your day to day activites.


Moving Forward


After your initial care plan, we will sit with you and evaluate your progress and discuss the next steps for your care

 “We would love to show you how our great quality Chiropractic services can transform your life.”